Magnolia Science Academy is without a doubt a Gulen Managed charter school

The Gulen Movement is fantastic at advertising, PR, and bestwowing fake honors on their students, politicians, local media and academia. The Parents4Magnolia blog is NOT American parents it is members of the Gulen Movement in damage control mode. Magnolia Science Academy, Pacific Technology School and Bay Area Technology is the name of their California schools. They are under several Gulen NGOs: Pacifica Institute, Willow Education, Magnolia Educaiton Foundation, Accord Institute, Bay Area Cultural Connection. Hizmet aka Gulen Movement will shamelessly act like satisifed American parents or students. They will lie, cajole, manipulate, bribe, blackmail, threaten, intimidate to get their way which is to expand the Gulen charter schools. If this doesn't work they play victim and cry "islamophobia". Beware of the Gulen propagandists and Gulen owned media outlets. DISCLAIMER: if you find some videos are disabled this is the work of the Gulen censorship which has filed fake copyright infringement complaints to Utube

Friday, March 29, 2013

Gulen Movement 2013 Anatolia Festival in Orange County, CA will be visited by Magnolia Science Academy Students

Magnolia Science Academy Students go every year to the Anatolian Festival that is put on by the Gulen Pacifica Institute which is part of the Gulen multi layers of foundations and institutes.  This is an expensive production with a full display of an Anatolian Church (to satisfy the Christian patrons) There is Turkish dancing demonstrations, the Ottoman Military band, and the Whirling Dervishes (Sufi spinners)  The cost of this festival is tied into the schools and tax payers money.  Their h1-b Teachers must Tuzuk 40% of their salary to the foundations, and then the Accord Institute (which use to share space with Pacifica Insitute) charges $140.00 per child per year for their west coast schools.  This is Utah, Nevada, Arizona, NM, California.  But the schools are not related to each other are they?  Magnolia Science Academy, Bay Area Technology Schools, Pacific Technology School, Coral Academy of Science, Lotus School of Excellence, Sonoran Science Academy, etc.  

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