Magnolia Science Academy is without a doubt a Gulen Managed charter school
The Gulen Movement is fantastic at advertising, PR, and bestwowing fake honors on their students, politicians, local media and academia. The Parents4Magnolia blog is NOT American parents it is members of the Gulen Movement in damage control mode. Magnolia Science Academy, Pacific Technology School and Bay Area Technology is the name of their California schools. They are under several Gulen NGOs: Pacifica Institute, Willow Education, Magnolia Educaiton Foundation, Accord Institute, Bay Area Cultural Connection. Hizmet aka Gulen Movement will shamelessly act like satisifed American parents or students. They will lie, cajole, manipulate, bribe, blackmail, threaten, intimidate to get their way which is to expand the Gulen charter schools. If this doesn't work they play victim and cry "islamophobia". Beware of the Gulen propagandists and Gulen owned media outlets. DISCLAIMER: if you find some videos are disabled this is the work of the Gulen censorship which has filed fake copyright infringement complaints to Utube
Monday, October 15, 2012
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Magnolia Science Academy- The Audit August 2012
The Magnolia Educational and Research Foundation (MERF) is a non-profit organization founded in 1997 (under the name Dialog Foundation) and was granted a 501(c) (3) tax-exempt status by the Internal Revenue Service in 1998. The first charter school, Magnolia Science Academy was established in 2002. Since then, the MERF has established 12 charter schools (aka Magnolia Public Schools) in the State of California
More excerpts of the audit below:
“audit found that the MSA Schools were not in full compliance with the selected provisions, standards and procedures outlined in their respective Charter Agreements.”
The MSA Schools did not maintain all employment documentation in the employee files as prescribed by the California Education Code and the Charter Agreement
The MSA Schools did not maintain all the enrollment documentation required by the written enrollment procedures and by the provisions of the Charter Agreement
Review of the financial statements and accounting records noted: non-disclosure of related party transactions; failure to maintain required fund reserves; failure to appropriately apply accrual basis of accounting;
The processes and controls over the bank reconciliation were inadequate. We found one Charter School that dated all reconciliations three days prior to this audit
Conclusion: Our audit noted control weaknesses in governance structure, employment documentation and qualifications of staff, admission/enrollment requirements and various financial control issues managed by the Magnolia Public Schools
The conditions described above, along with their underlying causes, may have increased the risk of fraud, waste and abuse of the MSA Charter Schools’ funds that could potentially result from the inability to detect irregularities, improper use of public funds
The Magnolia Educational and Research Foundation (MERF) is a non-profit organization founded in 1997 (under the name Dialog Foundation) and was granted a 501(c) (3) tax-exempt status by the Internal Revenue Service in 1998. The first charter school, Magnolia Science Academy was established in 2002. Since then, the MERF has established 12 charter schools (aka Magnolia Public Schools) in the State of California.
Employment Documentation/Qualifications of Staff
The MSA Schools did not maintain all employment documentation in the employee files as required by the California Education Code and the Charter Agreements.
The California Education Code, Sections 442372 , 47605 (5) (E) and (F)3 and 494064 and the Charter Agreement require that school employees furnish the school with the following documents prior to the first day of work:
· Medical clearance including proof of medical exam and tuberculosis (TB) testing.
· Fingerprinting and the service fee to the Department of Justice for a criminal record check. Applicants will be required to provide a full disclosure statement regarding prior criminal record.
· Documents establishing legal status, and current copies of all teacher certificates.
Per Charter Agreement, the documents listed above should be kept on-site and be ready for LAUSD auditors
The Audited Financial Statements of MSA #1 for FY 2011 clearly showed a substantial balance in the “Other Assets-Loans Receivable-related party” amounting to $322,509. On the contrary, the “Cash and cash equivalents” had a zero balance. Further analysis of the general ledger and the bank statements revealed that on several occasions, the Magnolia Educational and Research Foundation had borrowed an aggregate total of $397,409 from the MSA#1. During the audit, we were provided with the copy of the Loan Agreement dated 06/30/11 issued by the Magnolia Educational and Research Foundation for the remaining balance of the loan. We noted that there was no definite time of repayment and the loan was interest-free.
Considering that the organizational structure of the MSA Schools is relevant information, the audited financial statements should provide the nature of its relationship with the Magnolia Educational and Research Foundation. For the MSA#1, the related party loan transaction was substantial and may have a material impact on its actual financial position. We believe that the information should have been disclosed in the “Notes to Financial Statements” in the interest of full disclosure and in compliance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles
Fund Reserves
The MSA Schools did not meet the minimum unrestricted reserves required by the California Code of Regulations.
The California Code of Regulations, Section 15450 states, “Available reserves for any of the budget year or two subsequent fiscal years are not less than the following percentages or amounts as applied to total expenditures and other financing uses:
a) the greater of 5% or $55,000 for districts with 0-300 ADA
b) the greater of 4% or $55,000 for districts with 301-1,000 ADA.” 8
Additionally, the Innovation and Charter Schools Division provides that the charter school will at all times maintain a fund balance (reserve) of its expenditures as required by Section 15450, Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations. Currently, the required reserve is 5% of total operational expenditures.9
Cash Receipts and Bank Deposits
The MSA Schools did not adequately monitor the cash receipts and deposits process. Several accounting errors and lack of supporting documentation were noted.
The written accounting policies and procedures manual states, “All funds collected must be deposited intact in a bank account. To minimize the risk of loss or theft, it is recommended that bank deposits be made upon receipt but no later than seven days. Each bank deposit slip must contain the following information: i) the name of the school, ii) the bank account number, iii) the date the deposit slip was completed, iv) the total amount of cash included in the deposit, iv) the total amount of the deposit. Receipts should be adequately safeguarded and properly recorded on a timely basis using the account codes prescribed in the Chart of Accounts… A validated bank deposit receipt should be retained for each bank deposit... As part of the procedure, the Accountant counts the cash receipts and reviews the supporting documentation, Cash Receipts Summary, and deposit slip, then, indicates review on the cash receipts summary
Friday, August 17, 2012
Monday, August 6, 2012
Gulen Politicians - aka "Useful tools of Gulen": Monica Garcia, LAUSD cajoling with the Gulen Movem...
Gulen Politicians - aka "Useful tools of Gulen": Monica Garcia, LAUSD cajoling with the Gulen Movem...: Monica Garcia and her list of partial supporters. Monica is a champion for the Gulen Pacifica Institute's charter school chain in Califor...
Monday, July 23, 2012
LAUSD School board member Monica Garcia to speak at Gulen's Pacifica Institute
The Gulenists are at it again, cajoling and manipulating local academia, media and politics to further their agenda. Increasing Gulen share of power and opening more schools is their only goal.
There is a drive to recall Monica Garcia, looks like the Gulenists might have picked another loser.
Check out to learn more about how politicians have enabled the Gulen Movement. Next Monica will probably get a free trip to Turkey so she can learn how great their educational system is (snicker giggles)
If you want to recall Monica Garcia please contact
or at Twitter Recall-Monica-Garcia@RecallMonica
In fact, concerned parents and activists that want Monica Garcia out, should attend this Gulen Sponsored event and let traitor Monica Garcia know how we feel about Americans that are traitors to our values, ethics and morals.
There is a drive to recall Monica Garcia, looks like the Gulenists might have picked another loser.
Check out to learn more about how politicians have enabled the Gulen Movement. Next Monica will probably get a free trip to Turkey so she can learn how great their educational system is (snicker giggles)
If you want to recall Monica Garcia please contact
or at Twitter Recall-Monica-Garcia@RecallMonica
In fact, concerned parents and activists that want Monica Garcia out, should attend this Gulen Sponsored event and let traitor Monica Garcia know how we feel about Americans that are traitors to our values, ethics and morals.
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Gulen California operations- Turkish Language Institute aka Pacifica Institute
The Turkish Language Institute is part of the Pacifica Institute for Turkish cultural "understanding", they are part of the lobbying that works with the Western American Turkic Council to prep up local politicians with free trips, honors, campaign contributions, etc.,
Pacifica Institute has about 8 offices on the west coast or contact people, Their main office in Tustin, CA shares a space with the Accord Institute which manages all of the Charter schools on the West Coast owned/operated by known followers of the Gulen Movement.
They are instrumental in the Anatolian Festival, Turkish Olympiads that the Gulen Charter Schools participate in and other Gulen Institute talks.
Pacifica Institute has about 8 offices on the west coast or contact people, Their main office in Tustin, CA shares a space with the Accord Institute which manages all of the Charter schools on the West Coast owned/operated by known followers of the Gulen Movement.
They are instrumental in the Anatolian Festival, Turkish Olympiads that the Gulen Charter Schools participate in and other Gulen Institute talks.
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Gulen Schools, FBI penetrates Bay Area Cultural Connections
The FBI also met with representatives of a Turkish-oriented non-profit group called Bay Area Cultural Connections and used one meeting participant's cellphone number to search Department of Motor Vehicle records and obtain detailed information about him.
"By exploiting the good faith of Muslim groups and their members, the FBI is undermining community support for the government's legitimate law enforcement activities," Mike German, the ACLU's senior policy counsel and a former FBI agent, said in a statement.
The FBI labeled information collected from its "mosque outreach" program as "positive intelligence" and disseminated it to other agencies, "placing the people and organizations involved at risk of greater law enforcement scrutiny as potential national security threats," the ACLU said in a statement.
"By exploiting the good faith of Muslim groups and their members, the FBI is undermining community support for the government's legitimate law enforcement activities," Mike German, the ACLU's senior policy counsel and a former FBI agent, said in a statement.
The FBI labeled information collected from its "mosque outreach" program as "positive intelligence" and disseminated it to other agencies, "placing the people and organizations involved at risk of greater law enforcement scrutiny as potential national security threats," the ACLU said in a statement.
Bay Area Cultural Connections is another Gulenist operated “cultural club” bringing Turkish Culture to the community and schools. They work in California along with Pacifica Institute, Willow Education, Magnolia Education, Gulen Institute and others Gulen front groups. Are they money laundering American tax money intended for education?
Gulen Connection in California, San Diego where it all started
More inter connections with the Gulen Movement in Education, Politics, Commerce and more. "moving into the arteries of the system" as their Hocaefendi instructed. This story is from out in San Diego, CA where the schools and Movement have been linked to YET another politicians - Mayor Filner.
Just in time for the final stretch of San Diego's race for mayor, the CBS news magazine 60 Minutes is airing a report this coming Sunday about a controversial Turkish spiritual leader, followers of whom, records show, have contributed money to the mayoral campaign of Democratic congressman Bob Filner.
The Muslim scholar, Fethullah Gulen, leads a worldwide movement that has been heavily involved in creating high-tech charter schools around the world and has both backers and detractors.
As we reported in March of last year, Filner visited Turkey in late December 2010, courtesy of a nonprofit corporation called the Pacifica Institute:
"Highlights, according to the itinerary, included a stop at Topkapi Palace, lunch at Sultan Ahmet Square, a visit to the Karakoy Jewish Foundation Museum, capturing '700 years of amiable relations between Jews and Turks,' and a December 25 shopping tour of the Grand Bazaar, 'one of the largest and oldest covered markets in the world, with more than 58 covered streets and over 1200 shops.… Many of the stalls in the bazaar are grouped by type of goods, with special areas for leather coats, gold jewelry and the like.'"
Filner took another tour paid for by Pacifica, this one with stops in Istanbul and northern Iraq, in April 2011, according to a travel disclosure he filed with the House a year ago this month.
That trip was said to be worth a total of $3,700, the filing said.
The congressman subsequently wielded a pair of scissors at the 2011 ribbon-cutting for the new Washington headquarters of the Turkic American Alliance, an event videoed and posted on the group's YouTube page.
California Congressman Bob Filner, who had just returned to the US after a TAA-sponsored trip to Turkey, indicated that the nature of the relationship between Turkey and the US has changed as it was a more military-based tie before," according to a description of the event on YouTube.
"'Now we have to have a people-to-people relationship,' Filner said, adding, 'What you [the TAA] are doing is extremely important, and that is establishing real people-to-people talk.'"
Also in 2011, Filner was featured at a Gulen Institute-sponsored essay awards ceremony for college students, according to the movement's website.
Mayoral campaign finance disclosure data posted online by the San Diego city clerk show that on February 21 of this year Ilker Yildiz of Irvine, listed as "outreach coordinator" for Pacifica, gave Filner's campaign $200; Ferdi M. Ates of Tarzana, California, Pacifica's chief financial officer, gave the Filner bid a total of $400 last June.
(Pacifica's role in Gulen's outreach is chronicled by UC Santa Barbara history professor Nancy Gallagher in her January 2012 book, "The Gulen Hizmet Movement and Its Transnational Activities: Case Studies of Altruistic Activism in Contemporary Islam.")
On February 29, Mesut Inci, branch director of Pacifica's Mira Mesa offices in San Diego, contributed $100 to the Filner cause.
In a video posted last year on the People's Post website, Inci talks about his life's work and inspiration, and Gulen's role in the Pacifica Institute.
"There was a man who inspired me...His name is Fethullah Gulen," Inci says in the video.
Reached at Pacifica's offices today, Inci confirmed he had made the campaign contribution reported by Filner, then said he was too busy to discuss the matter further.
Inci said he would call back within an hour, but did not. We'll update here when he does.
(UPDATE: Inci has called back to say that though he was aware of Filner's Pacifica-sponsored tours of Turkey and Iraq, nobody with the institute had asked him to make a contribution to the congressman's mayoral campaign. The Pacifica branch director says he was motivated to contribute because he liked Filner's position on various local issues.)
Just in time for the final stretch of San Diego's race for mayor, the CBS news magazine 60 Minutes is airing a report this coming Sunday about a controversial Turkish spiritual leader, followers of whom, records show, have contributed money to the mayoral campaign of Democratic congressman Bob Filner.
The Muslim scholar, Fethullah Gulen, leads a worldwide movement that has been heavily involved in creating high-tech charter schools around the world and has both backers and detractors.
As we reported in March of last year, Filner visited Turkey in late December 2010, courtesy of a nonprofit corporation called the Pacifica Institute:
"Highlights, according to the itinerary, included a stop at Topkapi Palace, lunch at Sultan Ahmet Square, a visit to the Karakoy Jewish Foundation Museum, capturing '700 years of amiable relations between Jews and Turks,' and a December 25 shopping tour of the Grand Bazaar, 'one of the largest and oldest covered markets in the world, with more than 58 covered streets and over 1200 shops.… Many of the stalls in the bazaar are grouped by type of goods, with special areas for leather coats, gold jewelry and the like.'"
Filner took another tour paid for by Pacifica, this one with stops in Istanbul and northern Iraq, in April 2011, according to a travel disclosure he filed with the House a year ago this month.
That trip was said to be worth a total of $3,700, the filing said.
The congressman subsequently wielded a pair of scissors at the 2011 ribbon-cutting for the new Washington headquarters of the Turkic American Alliance, an event videoed and posted on the group's YouTube page.
California Congressman Bob Filner, who had just returned to the US after a TAA-sponsored trip to Turkey, indicated that the nature of the relationship between Turkey and the US has changed as it was a more military-based tie before," according to a description of the event on YouTube.
"'Now we have to have a people-to-people relationship,' Filner said, adding, 'What you [the TAA] are doing is extremely important, and that is establishing real people-to-people talk.'"
Also in 2011, Filner was featured at a Gulen Institute-sponsored essay awards ceremony for college students, according to the movement's website.
Mayoral campaign finance disclosure data posted online by the San Diego city clerk show that on February 21 of this year Ilker Yildiz of Irvine, listed as "outreach coordinator" for Pacifica, gave Filner's campaign $200; Ferdi M. Ates of Tarzana, California, Pacifica's chief financial officer, gave the Filner bid a total of $400 last June.
(Pacifica's role in Gulen's outreach is chronicled by UC Santa Barbara history professor Nancy Gallagher in her January 2012 book, "The Gulen Hizmet Movement and Its Transnational Activities: Case Studies of Altruistic Activism in Contemporary Islam.")
On February 29, Mesut Inci, branch director of Pacifica's Mira Mesa offices in San Diego, contributed $100 to the Filner cause.
In a video posted last year on the People's Post website, Inci talks about his life's work and inspiration, and Gulen's role in the Pacifica Institute.
"There was a man who inspired me...His name is Fethullah Gulen," Inci says in the video.
Reached at Pacifica's offices today, Inci confirmed he had made the campaign contribution reported by Filner, then said he was too busy to discuss the matter further.
Inci said he would call back within an hour, but did not. We'll update here when he does.
(UPDATE: Inci has called back to say that though he was aware of Filner's Pacifica-sponsored tours of Turkey and Iraq, nobody with the institute had asked him to make a contribution to the congressman's mayoral campaign. The Pacifica branch director says he was motivated to contribute because he liked Filner's position on various local issues.)
Gulen Charter School Magnolia Science Academy to expand into Milpitas, CA
Lets play the Gulen Shuffle and create demand and urgency for a school where there is none. The school district should vet that waiting list. Our bet it is a majority of Gulen families, and some of the kids are not even of school age.
The Sal Cracolice Building, the former Milpitas senior center and a current site for city-run recreation classes, could be the setting for a new privately-run school that teaches math, science and technology.
Milpitas City Council voted unanimously Tuesday to authorize the city manager to begin negotiating a three-year lease agreement with Magnolia Charter Academy Public School for use of the Sal Cracolice Building and adjacent modular buildings at 540 S. Abel St.
Felix Reliford, the city's interim planning director, told the council if Magnolia is approved for the site it may only be temporary.
"Until they can find a permanent location in the city," Reliford said.
Tim Saka, a Magnolia principal, indicated his private charter school specializes in teaching science, math and technology to sixth-, seventh- and eighth-grade students.
Saka added Magnolia schools typically had a uniform policy; offered small classes (25 students maximum); offered after school and Saturday tutoring classes; and provided its students exposure to math and science competitions around the state.
"So there's a big demand for our school," he said.
The Magnolia Educational and Research Foundation is a non-profit organization that established its first charter school in California's San Fernando Valley in 2002. Magnolia Foundation has 12 locations throughout California including a new location in Santa Clara. Magnolia is planning to open another school in East San Jose.

Magnolia's administration reported approximately 100 Milpitas parents have submitted applications for their children to attend the school, which seeks to open this August.
On May 22, the council's land use and transportation subcommittee reviewed and approved the proposal, then directed staff to forward their recommendation to the full city council.
The subcommittee also directed staff to conduct community outreach meetings with residents of Luna and Terra Serena (homeowner associations south and across the street from U.S Postal Service office) and the Starlite Pines Homeowners Association.
According to Reliford, city staff contacted all three homeowner associations and requested to be placed on their next meeting agendas. He added those meetings would likely occur by late June.
City staff reported Magnolia charter school would be required to seek approval from Milpitas Unified School District to operate at the site.
If the Milpitas school district does not grant permission, the school would not be under the school special district designation regulated by the state and would be subject to city zoning and land use requirements. Therefore, a conditional use permit would be required by the city's zoning ordinance.
In addition, the city is in the process of having an appraisal assessment of the property (lease and for-sale) to determine the appropriate costs, if the building is leased out.
Prior to the meeting, Reliford said potential city revenues by having the charter school at the Sal Cracolice Building would not be known until after the property appraisal is complete.
City Manager Tom Williams said by August the Magnolia charter school item would likely be brought back for the council's final review and approval regarding lease rates for use of the Sal Cracolice Building.
Contact Ian Bauer at or 408-262-2454. Visit us on our social media sites at post and
Monday, May 28, 2012
Magnolia Science Academy "A college prep" School?
From 2005-2010, entire Magnolia "college prep" chain got 1 student into Cal State Univ system
Examining 6 years worth of educational records available through the State of California, Magnolia's students do not fair well in college acceptance. In fact, there was only 1 student who was accepted into the California State University system in 6 years. Zero to California Community Colleges and Zero to University of California System. This puts a lie to their fake advertisements of "100% College acceptance" and "College Prep" school.
From 2005-2010, entire Magnolia "college prep" chain got 0 students into Calif comm college system
From 2005-2010, entire Magnolia "college prep" chain got 0 students into Univ.of California system
Friday, May 18, 2012
Gulen Charter Schools in the USA: Gulen Charter School in Texas caught in lie by Tex...
Gulen Charter Schools in the USA: Gulen Charter School in Texas caught in lie by Tex...: Noel Candelaria Texas Teachers Association VP- Addresses the lie about a shortage of Math and Science Teachers
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Friday, May 11, 2012
Gulen Charter Schools Preview "60 Minutes" CBS NEWS Lesly Stahl Sunday, May...
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Gulen Schools Worldwide: Gulen Movement, who and what is behind it?
Gulen Schools Worldwide: Gulen Movement, who and what is behind it?: COMMENT: In FTR #739 , we took a brief look at the powerful international organization of the Pennsylvania-based Turkish Muslim c...
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Turkish Olympiad-A Gulen "show": Gulen Turkish Olympiad concludes finals in the USA...
Turkish Olympiad-A Gulen "show": Gulen Turkish Olympiad concludes finals in the USA...: A national competition was held on Monday in Washington, D.C. to determine finalists for the International Turkish Olympiads that wil...
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Monday, March 12, 2012
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Pacific Technology School - Part of the California Gulen Managed Schools
An Example of Advertising by the Gulen managed Charter schools
Of Course it is "Tuition Free"
Charter schools after all are public schools that are outsourced to private management companies.
Of Course it is "Tuition Free"
Charter schools after all are public schools that are outsourced to private management companies.
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Magnolia Science Academy- Gulen Charter School and h1-b Visas a license to steal American Jobs
4 LCs were DENIED (Permanent labor certificate)
Since 2001, Magnolia Educational and Research Foundation has submitted totally 171 Labor Condition Application(LCA) for H1B Visa, 12 Labor Certification(LC) for Green Card, including, traditioal cases, Reduction in Recruitment (RIR) cases and Program Electronic Review Management (PERM) cases.
The above chart and table report the number of Labor Condition Applications(LCA) and Labor Certifications(LC) filed by Magnolia Educational and Research Foundation for H1B Visa and employment based Green Card. The data only indicates the number of applications filed by Magnolia Educational and Research Foundation. It does not mean that Magnolia Educational and Research Foundation actually got the visa and hired the workers.
Labor Condition Application(LCA) is different from Labor Certification(LC). LC is for employment based green card while LCA is for H1B visa.
Our LCA data not only includes those filed by Magnolia Educational and Research Foundation for new h1b visa applications, but also those for H1B Visa tranfers and renews. Magnolia Educational and Research Foundation should also file a new Labor Condition Application(LCA) for an H1B Visa petition if the foreign worker changes work location within Magnolia Educational and Research Foundation, because the prevailing wage will change. The Immigration and Nationality Act requires that the hiring of a foreign worker will not adversely affect the wages and working conditions of U.S. workers comparably employed.
The above chart and table report the number of Labor Condition Applications(LCA) and Labor Certifications(LC) filed by Magnolia Educational and Research Foundation for H1B Visa and employment based Green Card. The data only indicates the number of applications filed by Magnolia Educational and Research Foundation. It does not mean that Magnolia Educational and Research Foundation actually got the visa and hired the workers.
Labor Condition Application(LCA) is different from Labor Certification(LC). LC is for employment based green card while LCA is for H1B visa.
Our LCA data not only includes those filed by Magnolia Educational and Research Foundation for new h1b visa applications, but also those for H1B Visa tranfers and renews. Magnolia Educational and Research Foundation should also file a new Labor Condition Application(LCA) for an H1B Visa petition if the foreign worker changes work location within Magnolia Educational and Research Foundation, because the prevailing wage will change. The Immigration and Nationality Act requires that the hiring of a foreign worker will not adversely affect the wages and working conditions of U.S. workers comparably employed.
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Gulen Schools Worldwide: Gulen Schools- Gulenists Hijrah (Migration) links ...
Gulen Schools Worldwide: Gulen Schools- Gulenists Hijrah (Migration) links ...:
Monday, January 9, 2012
Horizon Parents Truth: Gulen Charter Schools- To be or not to be?
Horizon Parents Truth: Gulen Charter Schools- To be or not to be?: If there is No Gulen Charter Schools, why does Hizmet damage control go to such great lengths to discuss and deny Gulen Charter Schools. W...
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Gulen Charter School in California- Pacific Technology School
![]() Dr. Yavuz Bayam lies and states he is from India, Dr. Bayam has had a long proven affiliation with the Gulen Movement. The Schools in California are trying to open more charters under the Pacific Technology School name to yet confuse you more - divide and conquer. Make no mistake about it they are all a part of the Gulen Magnolia Science Academies on the West Coast. | school morning, Dr. Yavuz Bayam stands outside Pacific Technology School and greets each of his arriving students by name. One by one the school’s 65 students—all sixth- and seventh-graders—shuffle past their smiling principal. And even though the time is just a few minutes before 8 a.m., the kids smile back. “I don’t see being a principal as work,” said Bayam. “It’s like being with my family.” The new Orangevale charter school came into existence this fall, just six weeks before the start of the school year. But PTS—with its emphasis on technology, math and science—was really birthed many years ago while its principal was working on his doctorate in nanotechnology at UC Davis. Bayam, who hails from India, found himself surprised by what he saw as a disproportionate number of foreign students studying the so-called hard sciences. “Why are American students not choosing careers in math, science and technology?” he wondered. He felt that the country’s standing in the world depended heavily on its future scientists and computer whizzes, and after lengthy discussions with American teachers, Bayam became impassioned about the need to get involved in emphasizing the sciences at early grade levels. “I may have just been a Ph.D. student with no money,” said Bayam, “but I had to do something.” That’s when Bayam came across Magnolia Educational & Research Foundation, which had opened its first charter school in Southern California in 1997. He had found his solution: Open a charter middle school focusing on math, science and technology. The charter school concept in the United States started with Minnesota in 1992. California quickly followed suit in 1993. Darrell Parsons, a consultant with the California Department of Education, said that currently 810 charter schools are active in California, up from 765 last year; approximately 35 charters schools currently operate in Sacramento County. Charter schools “enjoy increased flexibility in exchange for increased accountability,” Parsons explained. But starting up a charter school can prove more complicated than multivariable calculus. First, there was a question of the school site. At one point, Bayam was traveling to the Bay Area every weekend for two years hoping to find a spot. He said that he tried for a location in Natomas, but that fell through. Finally, he found an Orangevale elementary school which had been vacant for three years—with a mere six weeks before the start of the school year. “It really was in terrible shape,” said Bayam. Chairs had to be purchased, walls had to be painted. For P.E., since there’s no locker room, students changed into workout clothes in booths constructed out of PVC pipe and curtains. Then he had to hire staff. Many of the teachers at PTS are young, with several of them hired directly out of their credential programs. But Bayam believes the staff’s lack of experience is one of PTS’ strengths. “They’re very young, very energetic, open to new ideas,” he said. Math and science courses are scheduled in the mornings, when students are more alert. Typical class sizes hover around 14 students. School lunches are largely made from organic food. At least twice a year, Bayam, along with a teacher, visits each student’s home to check in with the parents and to better understand the home situation. Several parents raved about PTS. Sue Feather, mother of seventh-grader Gabriel, said that her son was made to feel stupid at his previous school. But after attending PTS, “My son has spoken the word ‘college’ for the first time,” Feather said. Leave it to the kids to voice a complaint. At lunchtime, when asked what they didn’t like about school, the response came like a chorus. “The uniforms!” Articles Mentioning Dr. Yavuz Bayam with the Gulen Movement. PROPOSED SCHOOLS IN CALIFORNA UNDER THE PAC TECH, Watch for these in your community and alert the local school board. PacTech-3 East Palo Alto (Sequoia Union High, Ravenswood Elem.) 2009 or 2010 PacTech-4 Oceanside (Oceanside Unified) 2010 or 2011 PacTech-5 Merced (Merced Union High) 2010 or 2011 PacTech-6 Hayward (Hayward Unified) 2011 or 2012 PacTech-7 Bakersfield (Kern Union High) 2011 or 2012 PacTech-8 Chula Vista (Sweetwater Union High) 2011 or 2012 PacTech-9 El Cajon (Grossmont Union High) 2012 or 2013 PacTech-10 Oxnard (Oxnard Unified) 2012 or 2013 State: California Charter corporation: Magnolia Public Schools Update on Dr. Yavuz Bayam, 1/11/2012 Why is Dr. Bayam still listed on the faculty at Gediz University in Izmir, Turkey? |
Monday, January 2, 2012
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