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New Magnolia Science Academy in Milpitas, CA has been delayed by the request of Dr. Suleyman Bahceci http://www.sccoe.org/supandboard/agendaminutes/2010-11/051811/6A.pdf From the way we hear it the county would like to permanently delay the Magnolia Science Academy |
Magnolia Science Academy is without a doubt a Gulen Managed charter school
The Gulen Movement is fantastic at advertising, PR, and bestwowing fake honors on their students, politicians, local media and academia. The Parents4Magnolia blog is NOT American parents it is members of the Gulen Movement in damage control mode. Magnolia Science Academy, Pacific Technology School and Bay Area Technology is the name of their California schools. They are under several Gulen NGOs: Pacifica Institute, Willow Education, Magnolia Educaiton Foundation, Accord Institute, Bay Area Cultural Connection. Hizmet aka Gulen Movement will shamelessly act like satisifed American parents or students. They will lie, cajole, manipulate, bribe, blackmail, threaten, intimidate to get their way which is to expand the Gulen charter schools. If this doesn't work they play victim and cry "islamophobia". Beware of the Gulen propagandists and Gulen owned media outlets. DISCLAIMER: if you find some videos are disabled this is the work of the Gulen censorship which has filed fake copyright infringement complaints to Utube
Monday, May 30, 2011
Magnolia Science Academy a Gulen Charter school delay of new school in Milpitas, CA
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Gulen Charter School Gulen's Phoney Awards
Turkey’s Fethullah Gulen movement, for some others a sect or a cult, promoting service to the common good, may have grown into the world’s biggest Muslim networking community. Is it the modern face of Islam, or are there more sinister motives?
From Kenya to Kazakhstan, from USA to Sudan and Nepal, a new Islamic network is attracting millions of followers and apparently billions of dollars. Inspired by a Turkish imam, Fethullah Gülen, who resides in the USA, the Gulen movement is linked to more than 1,000 schools in more than 130 countries as well as think tanks, newspapers, TV and radio stations, universities – and even a bank.
The massive network is really unique. It has no formal structure, no visible, no tracable accounts or organisation and no official membership. Its followers state they simply work together, inspired by the message of charismatic preacher Fethullah Gulen, who tries to convince to promote a tolerant Islam which emphasises altruism, hard work and education.
Turkish businessmen are attracted by what they see and hear as his international outlook and pragmatic approach to issues like using a finance credit.
In Turkey currently the movement is thought to have up to 10 million supporters. A recent study shows many are dedicated in giving between 5%-20% of their monthly income to many sub-groups affiliated with the movement.
Critics are centered that the movements aim is nothing but to gain power, to spread socially conservative Islamic attitudes on issues like marriage and alcohol around the world, and to suppress any opposition, just like any other radical islamist organisation.
Fethullah Güven A threat to Turkey’s Secularity?
In the past year, three of its most prominent critics have been sentenced to prison in Turkey, revealing claims that it has become a sinister controlling might in Turkey.
Mr Fethullah Gulen’s critics hint to a video from 1999, in which he preaches his followers that they should purposely attempt to infiltrate mainstream structures:
“You must move within the arteries of the system, without anyone noticing your existence, until you reach all the power centres. You must wait until such time as you have got all the state power, until you have brought to your side all the power of the constitutional institution in Turkey.”
The following year, Fethullah Gulen faced charges of trying to sabotage Turkey’s secular state.
He left then for the United States, claiming the recording had been tampered with. He was later cleared in absentia of all charges.
Today Fethullah Gulen is 70 years old and lives a secluded life on a country estate in Pennsylvania, USA.
Fethullah Gulen has urged his followers to build schools instead of mosques, and encourages interaction with people of other faiths through dialogue societies, including one in the UK and many in the United States.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Gulen School in Hawaii, not this time Hawaiians say "Aloha Oe" to the Gulen Movement
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Queen Liluokalani, statue at the capitol her spirit still guides and protects the Hawaiians. Queen Liluokalani wrote the song "Aloha Oe" (Farewell to Thee) The Hawaiians have sung Aloha Oe to the Gulen Movement. Sunday, May 22, 2011 http://www.hawaiifreepress.com/main/ArticlesMain/tabid/56/articleType/ArticleView/articleId/4330/Gulen-Cult-strikes-out-in-Hawaii-Legislature-School.aspx Gulen Cult strikes out in Hawaii Legislature, School? By Andrew Walden by Andrew Walden After months of trying to get on base in Hawaii, is it ‘three strikes and they’re out’ for the Turkish Gulen cult? Hawai`i Free Press readers learned last December that the cult was attempting to take control of Mokapu Elementary School on Kaneohe Marine Base. The Gulenists Mokapu STEM school proposal was withdrawn in December, but as our sources informed us, the Gulenists operating as “Sonoran Science Academy” resubmitted their proposal for the new year. The February 16, 2011 minutes of the Mokapu School-Community Council indicate: “Charter- the company that was interested before is expressing interest again.” But after articles from Hawai`i Free Press were made available, teachers and parents at the school were ready. A petition was circulated and the April 20, 2011 minutes of the Mokapu SCC tell the story: Mokapu STEM Charter Conversion i. Mrs. Mulchahy met with faculty and informed them that a representative from the Sonoran Science Academy would like to meet with them to discuss converting Mokapu into a Charter school. 78% of the faculty signed a petition stating meeting with the representative was not needed. They have enough information already. ii. Admin and Classified staff need to still vote on the meeting iii. Mrs. Miyasaki will draft a letter to accompany the petition declining the meeting This was only the beginning of the Gulenists’ abysmal failures. On the Legislative front, efforts to pass HCR30, a symbolic resolution “Recognizing the cultural, educational, political, and economic relations between the people of Hawaii and the Republic of Turkey”, foundered after the Gulen Cult was exposed and Legislators were informed by concerned citizens. HCR30 only passed after being stripped of all references to Gulen front groups. The Gulenists’ embarrassment and shame was heightened when it turned out that they had hoaxed Sen. Mike Gabbard and several other legislators during legislative lobbying visits earlier this year. A Gulenist portraying himself as “Ozkur Yildiz, President of the West America Turkic Council” was in fact one of two different Ozkur Yildizes—both of who were portrayed as “President of the West America Turkic Council.” And then to top it all off, Hawaii State Ethics Commission Executive Director Les Kondo sent out an April 19 memo to politicians warning them away from accepting free accommodations in Turkey from the Pacifica Institute—another Gulen front group. It is easy for the Gulenists to provide free accommodations because they use Gulenist-owned hotels, restaurants and transportation and their fellow cult members simply absorb the costs of the free accommodations, meals, and transfers. Kondo explained: "The State Ethics Commission understands that legislators may have received invitations from the Pacifica Institute to participate in a trip to the Republic of Turkey. With respect to the Pacifica Institute's invitation, the State Ethics Commission does not have sufficient understanding of Pacifica Institute, the purpose of the trip, or the state 'benefit' associated with the trip.…" The trip was to be from May 13-24. Did any Hawaii legislators accept the freebies after the warning from Kondo? We will be watching. |
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Magnolia Science Academy in Los Angeles, CA to share campuses
Under prop 39 and the broke school system in Los Angeles, CA the Gulen Charter Schools Magnolia Science Academy will be sharing classrooms. 2 of the schools are high schools, charter schools have a low enrollment for high school (like 10 seniors)
Lets see how the public schools like sharing anything with the Charter schools that are stealing their money and resources.
Lets see how the public schools like sharing anything with the Charter schools that are stealing their money and resources.
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Gulen Turkish Olympiads 2011-12 A Message to Parents Gulen Charter Schools
The Fethullah Gulen community has many enemies, the PKK has already targeted some of the Gulen schools. There is also a polticial unrest in Turkey with the elections and unjust arrest of Turkish Journalists who dare speak the truth about Gulen. There is a growing hatred in Turkey against America, Israel and other countries. Is this the place you would want your child? June 15-30 is the Gulen Show in Turkey, the 9th Annual Turkish International Olympiad "7 billion people 1 language"
Friday, May 6, 2011
Fethulla Gulen CNN News. Gulen Charter Schools Gulen attacks Free Press
Gulen is about censorship not dialog
Please support freedom of speech in Turkey and the release of 60 journalists
Istanbul, Turkey (CNN) -- The four-year investigation into an alleged plot to overthrow Turkey's government just keeps getting bigger. But as police arrest more and more journalists accused of aiding the coup plot, press freedoms groups are expressing alarm.
With more than 50 reporters currently behind bars in Turkey, activists argue freedom of expression is under fire in a country that is often promoted as a model Muslim democracy for the turbulent Middle East.
Meanwhile, many writers claim that a new taboo has emerged in this Byzantine web of politics, power and press... an enigmatic Muslim cleric who leads a vast network of international schools and businesses from his home in exile, a farm in the U.S. state of Pennsylvania.
Last March, police swept through the Istanbul homes of two high-profile investigative journalists, seizing documents and detaining the reporters: Posta newspaper columnist Nedim Sener and online news editor Ahmet Sik.
These arrests came after police detained the editors of Oda TV, a hard-line secularist internet news portal that often criticized the government of prime minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
The journalists have yet to be formally charged. They join hundreds of other jailed suspects awaiting trial in the sprawling investigation into "Ergenekon," an alleged gang led by ultra-secularist Turkish military officers aimed at toppling Erdogan's Islam-inspired government.
Supporters of the Ergenekon investigation argue it is "demilitarizing" Turkish society.
But the arrests have spread fear among many Turkish reporters.
On a chilly and rain-soaked day last month, several hundred journalists marched through the streets of Istanbul, waving signs saying "Hands Off My Opinion."
"We are here to protest the growing repression over Turkish media by the Turkish government for the last couple of years," said Can Dundar, a well-known columnist and anchorman for Turkey's NTV.
"We want to be free to write. We want to be free to talk and we want to be free to publish our books without any repression or fear," he added.
"At present, 57 journalists are in prison in Turkey and the number of ongoing trials that can result in imprisonment of journalists is estimated to be from 700 to 1,000," said Dunja Mijatovic, the representative on freedom of the media for the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe in a recent report.
Meanwhile, in a report issued this week on World Press Freedom Day, the Washington-based watchdog organization Freedom House rated Turkey "partly free." Turkey, which is currently negotiating to join the European Union, was ranked 112 out of 196 countries, next to Bangladesh, Congo-Brazzavile, and Uganda.
In an interview with CNN last November, Sener ominously predicted that he might be targeted for his criticism of the Turkish government.
"Today there is direct pressure from the political authority. They can easily corner the reporter they don't like for news they don't like and act in ways that can lead to getting fired," said Sener, who received a World Press Freedom Hero award from the International Press Institute for his book investigating the 2007 assassination of Turkish-Armenian newspaper editor Hrant Dink.
Turkish government officials deny claims the media atmosphere is growing increasingly intolerant.
"The issue here is not the big bad government trying to silence the press," wrote Egemen Bagis, Turkey's European Union integration minister, in the pro-government newspaper Today's Zaman.
"Despite the expression of concern from the highest echelons of the state on the arrest of the journalists, the prosecutors have clearly stated that they have evidence that links the journalists to the Ergenekon terrorist group," Bagis added.
Some observers, including the two recently detained reporters, have observed a pattern of arrests targeting critics of an enigmatic figure on the Turkish political scene... the influential Muslim cleric and powerful supporter of the Turkish government Fethullah Gulen.
From his home in exile on a farm in Pennsylvania, Gulen is the inspirational leader of an enormous network of schools and universities operating in more than 120 countries around the world. He speaks to his followers through a small empire of pro-Gulen newspapers, publication houses and TV stations in Turkey as well as over the internet. During his victory speech after winning a referendum on constitutional reform last year, Erdogan took care to thank his "friends across the ocean"...code-words for the Gulen movement.
"The government... and the Fethullah Gulen group are the taboos in Turkey. It is very dangerous to write about these in Turkey and I write about them," said investigative journalist Sener said in his November 2010 CNN interview.
Meanwhile, as he was being led from his house to a waiting police car, the arrested journalist Ahmet Sik yelled out to the crowd of people gathered on the street, "If you touch him, you will burn."
When he was arrested, Sik was in the midst of writing a critical book about the Gulen movement titled "The Imam's Army." Police seized his book as evidence.
Another author of a recent book slamming the Gulen movement is also behind bars. In "Devotees on the Golden Horn: Yesterday's State, Today's Religious Movement," former police commander Hanefi Avci claimed supporters of Gulen had infiltrated the Turkish police force. He also accused the "Gulenists" of illegally tapping telephones. A month after the book was published, police arrested Avci. He now stands accused of being a member of a leftist terrorist organization, a charge Avci denies.
Gulen's supporters deny claims that it is dangerous to criticize the movement in print.
"This is a smokescreen campaign and this is also a psychological war," said Professor Ihsan Yilmaz, a political scientist at the Gulen-operated Fatih University in Istanbul.
Faruk Mercan, one of Gulen's biographers, pointed out that other authors have written dozens of other critical books about the reclusive evangelist without facing prosecution. And he argued that the media had often worked in close collaboration with the Turkish military, when it overthrew four elected governments in coups over the last 60 years.
"When you look at Turkish history you can see there are very famous Turkish journalists involved in military coups," Mercan said. "Now is the time for post-modern coups in which un-armed forces like the media or civil society organizations are basically fulfilling a similar task."
After dominating Turkish politics for decades, the military and its allies in secularist political parties have has been in retreat. Since his Justice and Development Party swept to power in 2002, Turkey's fiery prime minister has repeatedly defeated his secularist opponents both at the ballot boxes and in the courts. Initially, Erdogan made joining the European Union a top national priority.
"I thought that Turkey was becoming a more liberal place," said Andrew Finkel, a Canadian journalist who has lived and worked for years in Turkey. "I thought that if you dismantle the military apparatus... that the country would be freer."
Finkel, a free-lance contributor to CNN, had to defend himself in Turkish courts in 1999 and faced a possible six-year jail sentence, after he was accused of "insulting the military" in an article he wrote. More than a decade later, Finkel said he ran afoul of the new powers-that-be that govern Turkey.
After spending the last four years writing a column for the Gulen-owned Today's Zaman, Finkel was fired last month.
He claimed he lost his job because of his last, unpublished column written in defense of the jailed journalists.
"I was criticizing my own newspaper for not being vocal enough in the defense of freedom of expression. I felt we should be doing more about people seizing books, about being more tolerant even if those books were against us," Finkel said.
The editor of Today's Zaman denied these accusations.
"No newspaper is obligated to work with all of its writers until the end of time," wrote Bulent Kenes in an editorial last month. "What has changed is that some of our writers have come under the influence of the strong and dark propaganda that is at play and have started to stagger. Unfortunately, I feel the same way about Finkel."
The stark polarization of Turkish politics and media is likely to get worse in the final weeks before parliamentary elections on June 12. Polls predict Erdogan will win a third term in office. This week, on World Press Freedom Day, Turkish journalists made another appeal to Erdogan, to better protect a fundamental democratic right.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Congratulations to Pioneer Charter, Patterson Charter and Hampton Charter School for Winning Turkish Olympiad
Now they travel to Turkey for the 9th annual Gulen turkish Olympiad with over 100 countries displaying their Turkish skills. Hopefully there is no trouble at this controversial event. How much American tax money went into this?
Dr. Mustafa Gokcek is a very busy man!! He sponsors this Turkish Olympiad
and then writes for Fethullah Gulen Community, here is just a small sample
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